Wilf Carter
Wilf Carter's Records
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Fieldwood Heritage Society
Canning, Kings County, Nova Scotia
Living Legend
Wilf Carter
Gusto SLP-300
LP 33rpm record
Gusto Records Incorporated
Nashville, Tennessee
side one label (above)
Living Legend
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP Gusto SLP-300
side two label (below)
Library stock number A116
Wilf Carter Living Legend
LP: Gusto SLP-300 Song Titles
Side 1
Two Little Girls In Blue
Put My Little Shoes Away
Daddy And Home
One Golden Curl
Hey Hey Mr. D. J.
Side 2
Grandad's Yodeling Song
Lonesome For My Baby Tonight
Shoo Shoo Shoo She Lah Lah
Two Little Stars
The Little Shirt My Mother Made For Me
Note: The spelling used here, Yodeling or Yodelling,
follows the spelling on the record label or jacket.
The Gusto version uses Yodeling on the
side two label, but Yodelling on the jacket.
Jacket detail (above), digitally enhanced to
improve the legibility of the STEREO overprint.
Jacket front (above)
Living Legend
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP Gusto (Starday) SLP-300
This jacket, for the Gusto stereo version, was produced by overprinting
the existing stock of the original Starday mono version jacket.
Jacket back (below)
Stereophonic version, sold on the Gusto label
Wilf Carter
LP: Living Legend
Monophonic version, sold on the Starday label
side one label (above)
Living Legend
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP Starday SLP-300
side two label (below)
Library stock number A004
Jacket front (above)
Living Legend
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP Starday SLP-300
Jacket back (below)
Monophonic version, sold on the Starday label
Wilf Carter
LP: Living Legend
Reissue sold on the Sparton label
side one label (above)
Living Legend
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP Sparton SLP-300
side two label (below)
Library stock number A194
Jacket front (above)
Living Legend
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP Sparton SLP-300
Jacket back (below)
The Starday Records Story
Wilf Carter
Wilf Carter's Records
About FHS
Main Street Tour
Old Photos
Telephone History

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First uploaded to the WWW: 2004 July 29