Wilf Carter
Wilf Carter's Records
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Fieldwood Heritage Society
Canning, Kings County, Nova Scotia
Balladeer of the Golden West
Wilf Carter
RCA Camden CAS-944
LP 33rpm record
RCA Victor Company Limited
Montreal, Canada
side one label (above)
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAS-944
side two label (below)
Library stock number A151
Wilf Carter Balladeer of the Golden West
LP: Camden CAS-944 Song Titles
Side 1
Balladeer of the Golden West
Jimmie the Kid
Memories That Never Die
The Cowboy's High-Toned Dance
All I Need is Some More Lovin'
Side 2
When It's Apple Blossom Time in Annapolis Valley
Don't Change the Lock on Me, Babe
Echoing Hills Yodel Back to Me
Riding High in the Saddle Again
The Cowboy's Airplane Ride
jacket front (above)
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAS-944
jacket back (below)
Stereophonic, as sold in Canada
with the blue label
Wilf Carter
LP: Balladeer of the Golden West
Stereophonic, as sold in Canada
with the green label
side one label (above)
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAS-944
side two label (below)
Library stock number A172
jacket front (above)
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden CAS-944
jacket back (below)
Stereophonic, as sold in Canada
Wilf Carter
LP: Balladeer of the Golden West
Stereophonic, as sold in Australia
side one label (above)
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden OCS-944
side two label (below)
Library stock number A082
jacket front (above)
Wilf Carter record: 33rpm LP RCA Camden OCS-944
jacket back (below)
Wilf Carter
Wilf Carter's Records
About FHS
Main Street Tour
Old Photos
Telephone History

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First uploaded to the WWW: 2004 October 22